Periscope was acquired in January 2015 by Twitter before the product had been publicly launched, taking a gamble that personal livestreaming would be a complement to its main social service.
Shortly thereafter Periscope Producer API was publicly introduced in March of 2017 as a way to support and natively publish user generated live content on the Twitter timeline.🔥
Switchboard Live was one of the early BETA partners that supported both streaming to Twitter and Periscope simultaneously, so adding support for Periscope Producer was a no brainer for our customer base.
So Long Periscope
Team Periscope announced in December of 2020 that they made the difficult decision to discontinue Periscope and shut down the app in March 2021, with the goal of building a new native live broadcasting solution for Twitter in the near future.
The good news; Periscope Producer API remained active for publishing partners as a way to continue to support live video on the Twitter timeline, while the team was lab working on a new solution. The sad news; support for Periscope Producer API has come to an end as well. Well technically this coming Friday the Periscope Producer API will be retired and no longer accessible as of September 17, 2021 September 24th, 2021.
However the good folks at Twitter can’t ignore the fact that live streaming is the new frontier for social media and has provided new avenues for all types of creators to reach out to a broader audience. Especially since livestreaming is driving a significant uptick in the creator economy, as a new forecast estimates consumers will spend $6.78 billion in social apps in 2021. for native live broadcasting to the Twitter timeline via Twitter Media Studio has launched and is 100% fully supported by Switchboard.
This is now live in Switchboard today.🙌
With this newly supported implementation you will be able to:
- Add multiple Twitter accounts so much easier than before
- Have access to real time broadcasts to create clips and share them to Twitter in real time via LiveCut
- Use StreamShare to invite guests to opt-in their Twitter accounts for maximum reach, viewership, and engagement
What does this mean to you?
If you have existing Twitter/Periscope destinations within your Switchboard account you will need to replace your old Periscope destinations as new Twitter destinations. You should be able to visually identify the difference between the two destination types by icons; see image below:
Lastly if you need step-by-step instructions on adding Twitter destinations to your Switchboard account, please review our updated support article with the steps on how to do so.
If you need helping understanding how to update your existing Periscope destinations to Twitter please check out the following support article.
#TwitterAPI #multistreaming
Rudy / CEO
Switchboard Live