Simplifying Destination Management with Switchboard Live!

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Are you the go-to person who wields the power of managing live streams for your organization's social media channels? Congratulations, you've earned such an important responsibility! But we understand that juggling multiple live streams and running them smoothly can be challenging. Fear not, because Switchboard Live is here to make your life easier and sprinkle some digital fairy dust on your social media management game.

When it comes to live streaming, having a reliable system to handle your social channels is crucial. And that's where Switchboard comes in, waving its magic wand and transforming the way you manage your social media channels. Adding channels to your Switchboard account is as easy as Abracadabra. You can build up your destination library within minutes, whether it's YouTube, a Facebook Page, or LinkedIn profile. It's like unlocking a secret door to a world of live streaming possibilities!

But wait, your organization has multiple destinations to manage, we have a nifty trick up our sleeve. We recommend grouping your destinations, making it easy to track which channels go live on specific dates or topics. With Switchboard, you have the power to effortlessly customize group and workflow names, aligning them perfectly with your organization's social media communication structure.

We love seeing how our customers use Switchboard Live in their own unique ways to make their lives easier. When using our application, most customers tend to set it and forget it, which means they keep their destinations in specific groups and only update the stream title as needed.

The Magic of Grouping Destinations

However, we know that the real magic happens when live-streaming events require frequent changes to your social media channels. Perhaps you're inviting guest speakers for specialized talks and want to ensure their YouTube channel is added to the desired destination group with appropriate stream titles. We've listened to your feedback and we understand that you'd like an easier way to move destinations in your Switchboard account. We heard you loud and clear and have updated our application to make moving destinations much simpler.

No longer will you need to juggle multiple steps to move destinations from one group to another. Gone are the days of removing destinations, navigating between pages, and scrolling through a long list of channels. We get it; scrolling can be a fun pastime, but it's not ideal when preparing for the next scheduled live broadcast in the next 5 minutes😅.

How to Move Destinations in Your Switchboard Account

Now, let us reveal the magic formula for moving destinations within your Switchboard account:

  1. Select the destinations you want to move to.
  2. Choose Move.
  3. Select the workflow and the new group.
  4. Abracadabra, the destinations disappear from one group and reappear safely in their new home.

Voila! With this simpler process, your social channels will effortlessly move between groups, like adding hashtags to a social post. We guarantee a stress-free experience, even during those last-minute live streams where every second counts.

Are you ready to embrace the magic? Give it a try, and let us know your thoughts. We'd love to hear how you've woven our spell into your social media management routine!

And remember, it's not just talk; it's real magic. For more details on how to work this enchantment, refer to our support article or watch our instructional video.

Sign Up today for a free trial of the #1 Live Stream Management Platform and stream live video to all of your social destinations at the same time with Switchboard.